National Recognition for Learning

St Catherine’s School is thrilled to announce it has received national recognition for learning.

at St Catherine’s shortlisted as a finalist in the Australian Education Awards for 2022. 

St Catherine’s innovative Senior Years Learning Model, along with its Towards 2025 Strategic Plan has received national recognition for outstanding contributions to education. 

Ranked as the number one girls school in Victoria, St Catherine’s continues to excel across its academic, co-curricular and wellbeing programs. 

“St Catherine’s School aspires to graduating intellectually and emotionally agile young women. To achieve this our approach to teaching and learning, and the Strategic Intents that inform life at St Catherine’s must be innovative and progressive,” explains Principal, Michelle Carroll. “This creates the opportunities for our girls to be fully prepared to navigate their futures across new and emerging industries, thrive within global and digital communities, persevere during adversity, and remain authentic and fearless in all they pursue.” 

National recognition for learningThe Innovation in Learning Environment Design Award nomination recognises St Catherine’s Senior Years Learning Model (SYLM) for Years 10 to 11. Born from the Learn@Home program during the COVID-19 pandemic, the SYLM was an essential evolution of the School’s learning and teaching framework, ensuring St Catherine’s continued to deliver future-focused education. 

The SYLM provides flexible time frames, a more personalised learning experience, and greater student agency where they control the pace of their learning, and develop problem-solving skills, creativity, and engagement in the curriculum. Importantly, students value the Model for incorporating the positive elements of online learning, simulating the university-style tutorial model in preparation for tertiary pathways and self-dependence in their learning. 

National recognition for learningThe Best School Strategic Plan Award nomination highlights excellence in consultation and engagement for the development of the School’s Towards 2025 Strategic Plan, as well as the identification of clear school priorities and objectives. 

“St Catherine’s Towards 2025 Strategic Plan guides our focus for the next five years to ensure our young women are Bold, Creative, Independent, and Resilient in all that they pursue,” shares Carroll. 

“Our Plan begins with the Values that set St Catherine’s apart, Integrity, Curiosity, Perseverance, Gratitude, and Empathy, and articulates our six Strategic Intents and the specific goals we will achieve to nurture and empower independent and globally responsive young women.” 

In 2021, Michelle Carroll was also shortlisted as a finalist for the Principal of Year Award in recognition of her innovative and engaging approach to cultivating the education environment.  

The Australian Education Awards showcase top-performing schools for their outstanding achievements and transformative work, creating profound differences in the lives of young students across Australia. 

Award winners will be announced in August 2022. 


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