Managing Transitions
It is the time of year when the children begin to prepare for the next step in their educational journeys. For some children this means moving on to the next Year level, for others it means the commencement of Prep and potentially changing schools. For all the children, there is some form of change ahead. This is both an exciting and uncertain time.
Our Early Learning Centre has a range of orientation and transition programs in place to support and guide the children through this process. They involve opportunities for visiting their new classrooms, meeting their new teachers, and interacting with peers who will be in their class. Educators engage in discussions with the children to prepare them for each step in this process. This is done in a calm and reassuring way so that the children have enough information about what is happening, but do not become overwhelmed.
This is also a time of change for parents, as you support your child through this transition. There are many things that you can do to support your child. Firstly, it is essential that you role model positivity. This change is an opportunity for the children to learn new things and make new friends. The children will have many questions. It is important that they are answered in an honest and reassuring manner without over-talking the subject and creating further worry. Please take time to prepare your child for their orientation experiences by reminding them of what will be happening. Children feel secure knowing what is happening ahead of time. Be prepared that it may take some time for your child to adapt to the change. It is important to maintain consistent routines at home and provide your child with the time and emotional support that they need.
As we progress through the term, parents and educators will support the children to embrace the change and look forward to the exciting times ahead.
ELC Parent Information Evening for 2023
Parents of children attending the ELC in 2023 are invited to a Parent Information Evening on Tuesday 8 November. This event will be held in the Selina Yao Auditorium in the Junior School at 6.00pm. ELC Teachers will share separate presentations for children attending 3-year-old and 4-year-old classes. This is a great opportunity to find out more about the specific Early Learning Programs that your children will be participating in next year, and how you can support your child with the transition.
Outside fun
Creative expression
Pretend play
STEM Force
Fun in the ELC
Outside exploring