Campbell House News

New Beginnings
It has been a very exciting time for the Blue Gum Room children and families, as the children have taken their first big steps on their educational journey in the Early Learning Centre.
At the beginning of each School year, it is always wonderful to see a new group of children, with unique personalities and individual learning styles, come together to form a community of learners. In these first few days and weeks, as the children have made the transition from home to School, the children have tended to work and play individually. This is completely natural. It is important the children take time to get to know one another and their teachers, and to become familiar with the learning environment. Once they are feeling secure and comfortable in their relationships and surroundings, they will start to interact more with others, begin to form bonds and, the group dynamics start to take shape.
We look forward to the year unfolding with our children in Blue Gum Room. As teachers of a new group of children, the beginning of the year is a very exciting time. A time that is filled with energy and enthusiasm, as each individual personality and learning style unfolds and the children come together as a community.
Ms Sarah Bethune
Blue Gum Room Teacher
Curriculum in Campbell House
The Reggio Emilia philosophy is a driving agent in the educational approach towards teaching and learning in Campbell House.
The Early Years Learning Framework Australia, sets a clear national set of guidelines for effective education in numerous spheres. The guidelines recognise the various areas of development critical for teaching and caring for young children.
The National Framework sets the key reference points for the provision of attention to the physical, social, emotional and academic areas necessary for healthy development and the commencement of formal learning.
Through emphatic use of the principles of the Reggio Emilia philosophy – which embrace the knowledge that young children are competent, capable and confident – the Early Years Framework is utilised fully by educators in Campbell House. An educational foundation is our pursuit in order to promote:
- successful learners
- confident and creative individuals
- active and informed citizens.
Planning and programming, executed by the ELC educators, attests to the adherence of building strong personal and educational foundations in young learners. Parents will see much evidence of this in daily journals, projects in classrooms and through articles provided here, in The Blue Ribbon and mystcatherines. Also, in discussions with your children about their learning.
Road Safety
All drivers are urged to ensure children leave the vehicle on the kerbside only. Please do not allow children to alight from vehicles on the roadside. Parents are asked to note the following guidelines regarding children’s road safety.
- Young children should hold an adult’s hand whilst walking in and out of the School gates
- Children must get into cars from the kerbside of the car not from the roadside.
- The school crossing in Heyington Place must be used if the road needs to be crossed
- Double parking and other illegal parking are extremely dangerous and must be avoided
- Children should not be led or encouraged to walk between and behind cars
We ask for assistance from every adult in the School community, whether driving or walking to keep all pedestrians safe. School areas are traditionally busy and always involve children who are wanting to chat with friends or family about the day.
Parent Information Evening
A reminder of our upcoming Parent Information Night for our ELC families.
Date: Tuesday 21 February 2017
Time: 7.00pm–8.00pm
Venue: Campbell House
Please note the evening is for parents only.