Barbreck News

Learning at Home
Formerly and often still known as homework, ‘Learning@Home’ tasks are well valued at St Catherine’s School.
Importantly, the set tasks provide essential opportunities for revision and practice of skills necessary for further learning.
Additionally, it is critical that young learners establish sound habits when pursuing knowledge, skills and an achievement. Setting a regular time each evening to complete set tasks is a discipline in itself and an excellent life skill. We ask families to facilitate sound home practices, and to join us in encouraging students to complete tasks in a timely manner, taking pride in their completed work.
In order to be most effective, the Learning@Home tasks require students to; set time aside for completion, a clear table or desk, good lighting and uninterrupted time.
Please note that teachers set tasks that students should be able to manage without assistance. Learning@Home tasks should not create tension or difficulties at home. If your daughter experiences tension regarding a specific task, please ask her to set it aside and move on to other tasks. Please contact the classroom teacher and communicate the difficulty so this can be managed.
Preps 2017
The commencement of Prep 2017 students has been remarkably smooth. The girls settled well and happily in their new learning environment.
Now, with only half days on Wednesdays and full days the rest of the week, the Preps feel like the ‘big girls’. They are eager to learn and certainly wanting to read and write like ‘school people’ (quote!). Mrs Easton, assisted by Learning support staff member, Mrs Kate Bourke, have already created a learning environment built around purpose and achievement. In the knowledge that each young learner will develop and acquire skills at different stages, we encourage positive and productive conversations with these young students to be filled with notions of the obvious efforts and steady skill acquisition, no matter how small, and the essence of always trying one’s best.
Applause to families and early learning teachers who have nurtured the girls before they entered Prep. There is no doubt, confidence, purpose and the will to achieve are instrumental to success, and the influences upon children in early years contribute so highly to a sound preparation for the next step.
Celia Chu, Yallisa Goh and Margaret Shao having fun in the wooden playground
Teegan Gobel and Chloe McMahon climbing together
Giselle Armstrong and Carys Dreaver hiding in the tunnel
Eliza Herold, Scarlett Bertalli and Miya Fei playing mums and dads
Genevieve Campbell playing on the fireman’s pole
Year 6 Leadership Presentation
Tuesday 14 February, saw the presentation of Year 6 Leadership badges to all Year 6 of 2017. Students who were members of Barbreck in Year 5 were well immersed in the expectations of St Catherine’s School for our Year 6 students in their capacity as role models. It is indeed a privilege to observe the setting of a School ‘tone’ through the ‘Power of Influence’ for good, positive interactions, which can be exuded by the Year 6 student. The Year 6 ‘Code of Conduct’ sets guidelines for each 2017 student in Year 6 to follow and to observably carry out her commitment and duties.
In addition to the Year 6 Leadership badges, the following badges were also presented at the Assembly.
Barbreck School Captain – Ava Colosimo
Barbreck Vice Captain – Livia Gowrie
Barbreck Music Captains – Katherine Graham, Emma Gregory, Ellen Vote
House Captains:
Beaulieu Blair – Julia Kent and Chloe Nevins
Davis – Phoebe Hogan and Freya Cantwell
Holmes Kilbride – Sienna Darcy and Zara Peele
Langley Templeton – Coco Kudelka and Milla Naylor
We look forward to watching the Year 6 students work well and with purpose in both the classrooms and other areas of the School.
They are traditionally afforded many opportunities for responsibility, duties, challenges and public speaking action. Expectations are high! We have no doubt that the 2017 Year 6 students will rise to them with enthusiasm!
Miss Catherine Samuel with Junior School Vice Captain, Livia Gowrie and Captain, Ava Colosimo.
Year 6 leaders
House Captains
Mrs Dodds with Music Captains, Emma Gregory, Catherine Graham and Ellen Vote
Play Space in the Junior School
As the redevelopment project gets underway the teachers of the Junior School are continually reviewing how the playground space is working. To provide the students with different opportunities and spaces we have put together an extended lunch play roster. Throughout the week, at rostered times, the students will have opportunities to utilise the upper and lower playground, the library, the ELC playground, the top playing field and the Senior Hall. This will allow students to have access to a variety of spaces so they can engage in different types of play, with the appropriate space to do so. We have also ordered some giant games such as Connect Four, Chinese Checkers, Snakes and Ladders and Dominoes that the students can use. In addition, a number of lunchtime activities are commencing this week including, Ensemble rehearsals, Year 3 Stage Skills, Year 4 Art Club, French Club, and the Environment Club. The lunchtime play roster will change regularly depending on the availability of spaces, and input and interest from the students. With the lovely weather the students are enjoying being outside, but as the weather cools we will also offer some additional indoor activities.
After School Activities
Please note students are not permitted to play in the yard unsupervised after School. Families are asked to use the After School Service or make arrangements for children with activities after 3.50pm. Yard Duty staff conclude their supervision at 3.50pm. For the same safety and security reasons as noted for after 3.50pm in the playgrounds, those participating in Junior Joggers (Tuesdays 7.30am) must not arrive until 7.15am please.
After School Care – Provider is Camp Australia
All families are encouraged to register with Camp Australia (our OHSC Provider) by telephoning the Camp Australia Head office 885 1 4100 or 885 14160 for details.
Parents are urged to register even if the need to use the Service is not apparent. Failing this, it is imperative that parents have made exacting back-up plans for any days in which children may need to be cared for/picked up at the last minute. For safety reasons, children must be placed into Afterschool Care by the Yard Duty teacher at 3.50pm. Staff often have meetings to attend and there are no other options for supervision. Safety and security must be priorities.
Note: Camp Australia offer a reduced fee for such circumstances.
If you need to contact Before and Afterschool Care please note the parent contact number is 0412 510 875 or 9828 3904.