News from the Dean of Year 9

The Year 9s had a joyful start to the year when they discovered that their lockers were indoors. The excitement, delight and squealing was a seal of approval for the newly renovated Wintergarden. The girls are enjoying the space and taken ownership of it, particularly at lunchtime. It has been wonderful to hear the flurry of activity from within this precinct, as girls move to their classes, change nearby for PE or do their Ergo sessions for Rowing.
Many of the girls have already begun to involve themselves in co-curricular activities such as GSV Sport, Music ensembles and Drama Club. The Year 9 Community Service team had a huge number of students turn up for its first meeting, demonstrating a keen interest in being involved in other programs and supporting charitable organisations.
The cohort has also had the opportunity to interact with the ten UK exchange girls, who at times are finding the weather a little warm. In addition, we had some new students join the St Catherine’s School community who have been welcomed and guided by their Blue Ribbon Buddy.
I look forward to the buzz of activity continuing throughout 2017 and hear the excitement build as we head towards their Heyington to Highland trip.