Barbreck News

Technology, parenting and finding balance
“Media and technology are at the very centre of all our lives today — especially our children’s. The media content they consume and create has a profound impact on their social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development. Learning how to use media and technology wisely is an essential skill for life and learning in the 21st century.”
Technology and devices are part of our everyday lives. The rapid development and increased use of technology and media in our lives, whether it be home, work or school, has opened up many wonderful opportunities for children, however, along with these also come challenges. This is particularly evident in the space of social media and balanced use of technology. It is important that we embrace the opportunities and positive aspects that technology affords us, but also approach the challenges with open eyes and mind.
As educators and parents, it is our responsibility to help children learn how to manage the use of these devices. We need to equip our girls with the skills and understanding to utilise and access the benefits of technology, but also to manage the challenges that will inevitably arise from time to time.
At times, trying to help our children learn how to manage the use of these devices can be tricky. Below are two articles from Common Sense Media that provide some simple and manageable ways to help parents how to teach their children learn about the responsible use and management of technology, and to encourage the balanced use of devices on a daily basis.
‘You balance their meals, so why not their media? Learn the secrets to a well-balanced media diet”
CLICK here: 5 Steps to a Healthy Family Media Diet
“Young kids learn how to use technology by watching their parents, so model healthy habits early by balancing media time with real time”
CLICK here: Be a Role Model
Ms Catherine Samuel, Deputy Head of Junior School
Winter Uniform
Winter uniform is to be worn by all Barbreck students by 8 May. Parents are respectfully reminded to check skirt and hem lengths. Uniform length should be just above the knee. Students’ uniforms need to permit them to sit, play, bend and stand with pride and dignity.
NAPLAN Testing
Dates:Tuesday 9, 10, 11 May
Please note:NO ASSEMBLY on Tuesday 9 May (due to NAPLAN testing schedule)
Prep-Year 2 Special Friends’ Event, Friday 12 May
On this day, students in Years Prep to 2 are asked to invite one or two treasured adult friends to join them at school from 11.00am to 12.30pm for a special time together.
Later in 2017, there will be an opportunity for Years 3 to 6 to do the same and invite special adult friends to join them at school on varied afternoons. Parents of children in Years Prep- 2 will also be invited to some Open Classroom afternoons. Dates to be advised.
Named Property
It is essential that all items of clothing and property are clearly labelled. This includes shoes, hats, lunch boxes, dresses, blazers and jumpers. Please rename all items purchased at the Second-hand Uniform Shop. All attempts are made to return labelled property to owners.
Parent Information Line: 03 9828 3994
This line is for parents to phone as a first port of call for messages pertaining a special events of the day including times, uniform required, location and other matters essential to organisation.
In the case of school camps a message is placed on the line regarding arrival and departure times of buses. This particularly pertains to occasions when a bus may be late arriving back at School for one reason or another. An estimated time of arrival will be given if possible.
Out of School Hours Care Provider- Camp Australia
All families are encouraged to register with camp Australia (our Out of School Hours Care provider) by telephoning the Camp Australia head office on 1300 105 343.
Parents are urged to register even if the need to use the service is not apparent. Failing this, it is imperative that parents make back up plans for any days in which children may need to be cared for or picked up at the last minute. For safety reasons, children must be placed into Out of School Hours Care by the teacher on yard duty at 3.50pm. Staff often have meetings to attend and there are no other options for supervision. Safety and security must be priorities.
If you need to contact Out of School Hours Care at St Catherine’s, please note the parent contact number is 03 9828 3019 or 0412 510 875.