Yulendj Art Exhibition
The Yulendj Arts Exhibition
“One child, one teacher, one pen and one book can change the world.” ~ Malala Yousafzai, 2013
Commencing this coming Monday 29 May, St Catherine’s School is proud to once again be hosting our bi-annual Yulendj Art Exhibition. The School warmly welcomes all members of the School community to come along and support this special event.
The Yulendj Arts Exhibition’s mission is to provide a high quality bi-annual Arts Exhibition offering curated artworks for sale to the broader St Catherine’s community (current and past parents, Old Girls, staff, friends). Proceeds from the event will be allocated to the St Catherine’s School Indigenous Scholarship Fund which supports Indigenous Scholarship holders from Years 7 to 12.
The St Catherine’s Yulendj Indigenous Scholarship Fund, in partnership with Yalari, provides secondary tuition and boarding opportunities for indigenous students from across Australia. To support the education of these young girls from Bairnsdale to Broome, the School hopes to raise significant funds to bridge the financial gap that occurs between current funding sources and the actual costs associated with educating indigenous students, including academic, boarding, cultural and co-curricular activities.
The Yulendj Arts Exhibition will include a five-day exhibition and sale of approximately 40 curated artworks, including pieces donated to a silent auction, on display to the wider St Catherine’s community and public.
Exhibition dates:
- Monday 29 May 9.00am – 5.00pm
- Tuesday 30 May 9.00am – 5.00pm
- Wednesday 31 May 9.00am – 7.00pm
- Thursday 1 June 9.00am – 2.00pm
We invite you all to come along to view the art and purchase any of the fantastic artworks for sale, from what will be a great selection of high-profile Australian artists.
Further information including booking details and artwork listings are available and can be found on Yulendj Art Exhibition event page.