Science News

National Youth Science Forum 2018
The Toorak Rotary Club is again pleased to be able to support Michelle Libreri (Year 11) in her application to attend the National Youth Science Forum in Canberra. The Toorak Rotary Club has sponsored previous students of St Catherine’s School with the assistance of the Science Faculty to attend NYSF. Amber Chapman (Year 12), was invited to attend a club meeting and report on her experience of attending the 2017 National Youth Science Forum. Best wishes to Michelle in her application for NYSF 2018.
A Day @ the Melbourne Zoo
On Monday 29 May, Year 7 Science students participated in the Save our Species: Call of the Wild program at Melbourne Zoo. The program introduces students to the diversity and uniqueness of wildlife, as well as the threats they and their habitat face. Students are encouraged to take an inquiry approach to exploring animal precincts, attending keeper talks and participating in a Zoo Educator led workshop. Student gather information about the unique traits of key species, their role in an ecosystem and the value of saving a species. Students are encouraged to consider how they are connected to wildlife and how their choices impact upon animal survival. Thank you to the Science staff, Mrs Virginia Midgley, Mr Fiachra Barry, Miss Megan Vu, Ms Wendy Stevens and Ms Thuy Nguyen and Year 7 Dean Ms Kanako Yokouchi who joined the girls for a day at the Melbourne Zoo.