Campbell House News
The final term of ELC in 2017!
Campbell House, once again filled with excited and happy chatter, as friends reunited and shared interesting tales of adventure, precious times and objects of interest from their holiday breaks.
Since their return, Term 4 has already commenced in earnest. Staff and students are both looking forward to a particularly productive term filled with projects, events to plan and the excitement of Orientations for the 2018 year.
Prep 2018 for those in Banksia and Wattle Rooms
Students in the 4YO programs are now in their final term before their next chapter commences. With most entering Prep in 2018, it is an exciting time. Growing up can be rapid and we savour every day in order to prepare children for future experiences as well as highly appreciating the present.
Provided below are some ways in which families can assist to help young learners to prepare for school entry:
Practical skills to teach your child before commencing school:
By the time your child begins School, it is important that there is competence in a number of tasks and activities and we list some below for reference:
- dress independently (including doing up buttons and zips)
- put on shoes, socks, and sports shoes (shoes with velcro are easier for children to do up than laces)
- go to the toilet independently and wash and dry hands
- give the full name, address and telephone number, if asked
- open a lunch box and drink bottle and know which food to eat at recess and at lunchtime
- ask for help when needed
- take responsibility for money that needs to be taken to school for lunch or special events
- write own name – at least the first name
- use a pair of scissors, hold a pencil correctly, bounce and catch a ball, run, jump, hop and climb
- look after property – pencils, drink bottle, jumpers, school bag etc and recognise name labels.
- know when it is time to listen to others.
Practical things parents can do
Please ensure all of your child’s belongings are clearly named. This includes all items of School uniform and lunchbox, drink bottle, books and School bag. It is important to remember to names on socks and underwear also.
Staffing 2017 in Term 4 in Campbell House
Mrs Helen Nicolaou has now joined us again after maternity leave with her second baby.
For the remainder of 2017, Helen will work as a lunchtime assistant on Mondays and Tuesdays in the Blue Gum Room and as the teacher in the Waratah Room on Wednesdays, 8.00am-1.00pm whilst Miss Sandra Lenon spends time allocated for program planning.
Mrs Alana Moor , Head of ELC and Barbrek
Banksia Room
On Tuesday 19 September, the children in the Banksia Room had the opportunity to connect with one of our local natural reserves, the Glen Iris Wetlands. This excursion was run by the Eco Centre in St Kilda and as part of Stonnington’s Green Schools Program.
The morning began with an ‘Acknowledgement of Country’ as Deb from the Eco Centre in St Kilda told the children that it is important to pay our respect to the original owners of the land we are on, the Wurundjeri and Boonwurrung Aboriginal people. Deb explained the concept of an ‘Indigenous Promise’.
“If leaves or other items are collected today, then you must say to yourself can I promise two things?, to respect the land, and to respect the children which includes all the animals, birds and people.”
If an indigenous person gives you a eucalyptus leaf it is like a passport to ‘Country’. The children went onto to embrace all the activities as they explored this unique natural area so close to our School.
Banksia Room children listen to 'Acknowledgement of Country'
Collecting seeds from the indigenous plants
Sketching what you see
Tasting some of the edible indigenous plants