Final Day for Uniform Centre and Goodbye from Vikki

The final day of opening for St Catherine’s Uniform Centre is Monday 4 December.
Thereafter, all new compulsory uniform items (including footwear) will only be available at the Bob Stewart Malvern East store at 150 Waverley Road.
This move affords parents a much wider range of times in which to make purchases, especially during the holiday period, and will also enable internet order deliveries to the School in 2018.
The PFA will continue to sell second-hand garments on campus.
As a former St Catherine’s parent, and during my 16 years as Uniform Centre Manager, it has been a privilege to serve the School community at all levels, and especially to witness a generation of shy Preppies blossom into confident young women and see them move on to their chosen tertiary courses.
I will miss St Catherine’s families when I retire and would like to thank my customers and also the many Uniform Centre volunteers and paid staff who have worked with me over the years.