Barbreck News

Year 5 Return from the Goldfields!
Year 5 students returning from Sovereign Hill were happy and enthusiastic about the learning, the film, the skills achieved and new friends they made during the three day experience.
Staying overnight away from home can challenge some, but every student expressed their satisfaction about meeting all requirements for the three days away.
The stay in Sovereign Hill includes gold panning and learning about life in the 1850s on the goldfields in Ballarat.
In addition, the students experienced two days at the 1850s style school. Dressed in the traditional costumes of the day students were challenged to adopt a completely different style of education. Some students reported that it was better, whilst the majority remained solidly connected to thoughts involving “it was fun, but so strict! I prefer it our way!”
Thank you to Miss Wootton, Mr Tainsh, Miss Wardlaw, Mrs Baldacchino and Miss Flint for taking such wonderful care of every participant attending the trip.
Chloe Barber, Natalie Wang and Mietta Jenkins excited to commence their first day of school.
Annabel Calvert, Annabel Taylor, Natalie Wang, Audrey Doan, Portia Gowrie, Chloé Favaloro and Linda Wan walking through the Main Street.
Holly Jurgens taking care with her new writing utensils
Olivia Nagel, Harriet Syme, Sophie Farrer and Xiting (Christine) Chi preparing for their first day at the Red Hill National School
Panning for Gold!
Poppy Maling, Mietta Jenkins, Emily Tulloch and Bella Burdett-Moore giving their reasons for not having their 2 shillings to pay for their schooling.
Cancer Council Fundraising
The Year 6 students ensured the fundraising event held on Friday 2 March was well prepared and superbly organised. The mystery bags of “Morning Tea” were enjoyed and dressing for the day in sport clothes of choice rather than School uniform, made the day a memorable one!
Congratulations to the Year 6 students who once again set a high standard in terms of manners, respect, involvement and leadership. Lilla Barrington and Caroline Marcel worked hard towards the detail and the “extra touches” to what was a highly successful fundraiser.
We thank St Catherine’s parents for their support to raise money for Cancer Council Research. The total raised was $1,610.90 and the money will be specifically designated for investigation and research into rare cancers.
Collection of Children after Activities
With respect, I remind families of the following dismissal times for each of the many after School activities led by staff.
It is really important that children are collected promptly. If not collected on time, children can become both anxious and find it difficult when others have been collected.
Staff who lead the after School activities need to then return to classrooms to prepare for the following day as soon as children are collected. They have usually had to leave their own area at the 3.30pm dismissal time in order to lead the activity.
Session times as follows:
- Homework Happenings: 3:30pm-4.15pm
- Years 3 and 4 Sport (Mondays): 3:30pm-4.30pm
- Years 5 and 6 Sport (Tuesdays) 3:30pm-5.00pm
- Years 4 Drama Class “Perform” (Tuesdays): 3:40pm-4.30pm
- Write on Wednesdays (Years 5 and 6) 3:30pm-4.30pm
The following also applies to any after School private music sessions:
Students are not permitted to wait outside the School gates after School nor after an extended activity. For safety reasons of the highest order, this is something about which we are emphatic. We ask parents to refrain from asking daughters to wait outside the School gate. Please note that staff in charge of the activity remain with children until collected by parents. If students are not collected within ten minutes of the activity dismissal they are then taken to After Care and parents are called and advised.
For those who require supervision after the sessions finish, please note the Camp Australia contact information:
After School Care – Provider is Camp Australia
To register with Camp Australia (our OHSC Provider) telephone Camp Australia Head office 8851 4100 or 8851 4160 for details.
Camp Australia operate the program in Campbell House.
Please use the intercom system available on the front gate (at the left hand side of driveway) and Camp Australia staff will respond.
Before and After School Care parent contact number is 0412 510 875 or 9828 3904.
Nut Awareness
St Catherine’s is a Nut Aware School and as such we ask that students do not bring nuts/nut products (e.g. peanut butter and Nutella) to School.
We have a number of students who are anaphylactic to nuts (of all varieties) within the School and we request all families to observe the School Policy regarding this matter.
Very often our students like to bring something small to share with classmates to celebrate their birthday.
We remind families that no nuts or products with nuts are permitted and there is often a need for a “gluten free” option or two. We ask that icypoles are not sent as the “birthday treat” to be shared.
There have been occasions when a number of girls who have had birthdays have brought boxes of icypoles and we just cannot store them!
The staff fridge is only adequate for the use of staff.
I thank parents for your understanding.
Mrs Alana Moor
Head of ELC and Junior School
The new School year has brought with it a brand new learning space, the STEM room.
It has been a pleasure to watch as students from Prep to Year 6 explore this new learning space with such passion and curiosity. In the first unit of investigation students are exploring the work of a scientist. This unit aims to extend the image of a scientist beyond that of a lab coat and safety goggle wearing mad scientist.
Prep to Year 3 made a scientist out of paper and using a range of apps animated it to explain their role in the community. Year 4 created bunting to decorate the room exploring and expanding their knowledge and a deeper learning into the topic. Finally students in Years 5 and 6 are currently researching a female scientist and creating a digital presentation which will be shared during lessons.
Come and try out this new learning space, simply scan the QR codes around the room and expand your knowledge!
Animated scientists with a scan of a QR code
Using whiteboards about the room to work collaboratively
Year 3s using a T table to sort their thinking
Year 6 enjoying the flexible learning space
Year 6 working collaboratively to gather information about a famous female scientist
Year 1 students working to create their scientist