Junior School French Ambassadors

The Junior School French Department is pleased to introduce three Year 6 students who have accepted the position of Junior School French Ambassadors in 2018.

Chelsea Harris, Rhea Werner and Charlotte Wood were presented with their French Ambassadors blazer pins this week at Junior School Assembly.

The girls will make their first official presentation at the Week 8 Junior School Assembly. They will take on the position as representatives for French learning, speaking and culture and promoters of the French program. Our ambassadors will be responsible for the preparation of French events for School, presentations and articles for publication in The Blue Ribbon.

Rhea, Charlotte and Chelsea accept the position with lots of experience in language learning and involvement in the Junior School French Program. Charlotte, who has been a member of the Junior School Club Français since its inception in 2016, has demonstrated a true passion for the language. Chelsea, who has just returned from a family trip to Paris in the 2017 summer holidays, is very interested in helping other students in their French studies. Rhea, for whom French is her third language, has made excellent developments in her French speaking and consistently displays a studious and respectful attitude to her French learning.

We wish Rhea, Chelsea and Charlotte well in their positions as Junior School French Ambassadors for 2018.

Opportunities through Specialist Programs

The engaging Specialist programs delivered in the Junior School provide students with enriching learning opportunities every day. The quality of programs, the expertise of the teachers and the opportunities they provide ensure the Junior School girls are growing and developing physically, socially, emotionally and academically.


“We are learning a new song this week, and using our hands (body percussion) to help us remember the song and how it goes,” Nina Calvert (Prep)


“At the moment we are making vessels with clay. We are using lots of different clay techniques. Pieces need to be very carefully put together or they can blow up in the kiln,” Scarlett Pringle (Year 6)


“We’re learning a story using actions and gestures to help us remember. We also have to repeat after Monsieur Gold to help us practise,” Antonia Kallifidas (Year 5)

Physical Education

“We are playing Netball in PE at the moment. We’re training for the House Netball competition, which starts next week during Years 5 and 6 After School Sport. It goes for four weeks.” Chloe Barber (Year5)


“In Library we have a literature based program, in which we share a love of stories; investigating many different authors and illustrators,” Mrs Victoria Baldacchino (Junior School Library Teacher)



Positive Power of Technology

A parent has captured a wonderful moment of students demonstrating the positive power of technology and the opportunities and benefits it can bring. Below is a clip of Emma Peele, Mia Upton and Giselle Upton, three Year 4 girls, who used FaceTime to continue their learning beyond the walls of the classroom and School gates. Mrs Melissa Dods could not have been more pleased to see the girls rehearsing a piece for the Recorder Ensemble group in this way. A creative and fun way to learn.

Click on image to view video

Digital Technology: Safe, Respectful and Responsible

Technology and devices are part of our everyday lives. The rapid development and increased use of technology and media, whether it be home, work or school, has opened up many wonderful opportunities for children, but also some challenges. This is particularly evident in the space of social media and balanced use of technology. It is important that we embrace the opportunities and positive aspects that technology affords us, but also approach the challenges with open eyes and mind.

In the Junior School, we have a sequential Prep to Year 6 Digital Citizenship curriculum that integrates with our Wellbeing Program to teach and promote safe, respectful and responsible use of digital technology. In addition to this we make use of any incidental teaching moments as they arise.

Our program is based on the Common Sense Media program and adapted to meet the needs of our students. It develops an understanding of the following concepts:

More information on Common Sense Media is available here.

French Club

Bienvenue à 2018!

French language, conversation and learning is already well underway in the Junior School, with the commencement of two French language extension groups: Les Lucioles and Club Français.

Both French language groups commenced in Week 2 with the Venez L’essayer! (Come and try!) Program, offering students of many different experiences and backgrounds in French to come and have a go at speaking French in a happy and safe environment.

I’d like to say a big ‘Merci Beaucoup!’ to all the students who offered their time and efforts to make our first session of Les Lucioles and Club Français a great success!

The Junior School French language groups continue each Thursday for students aged between Years 2 to 6 for the remainder of 2018.

During Terms 1 and 2, the French language groups will be held in the Barbreck Room of Requirement. The French language groups will then recommence in Week 1 Term 3, located in the Language Lab in the new Junior School building.

The French Club consent form can be found on on the French homepage of mystcatherines here.

Junior School French Photography Competition

The Junior School French Photography Competition, announced by our French Ambassadeurs, Chelsea, Rhea and Charlotte at this week’s Assembly is now OPEN.

Students from Prep to Year 6 are invited to submit a photo and a short French message on the Junior School French homepage on mystcatherines found here.

Follow the instructions, submit your photograph, add a short French message and your daughter will be in the running to WIN some great prizes and have her photograph published on the St Catherine’s Facebook page! C’est fantastique!

The theme of the competition is: What I love about French language and culture.

Bonne chance!

Mr Andrew Gold
Junior School French Teacher
Mobile Phones at School

A reminder that Junior School students are not permitted to use mobile phones during School hours, including before School and after School. Mobile phones should be left switched off from the moment girls enter the School grounds and until they leave or are picked up by parents. There is no need for students to access their phones throughout the day or while they are involved in co-curricular activities.

Phones should not be used by students in between classroom and after School activities. If a student or a parent needs to communicate throughout the day, we ask that they do so through the Junior School Office, a teacher or the activity coordinator. This is important for the safety and wellbeing of all girls.

We would greatly appreciate parent support to encourage our students to follow these guidelines, by communicating with their daughters through the appropriate channels.


Ms Catherine Samuel, Acting Head of Junior School