Where Will You Fly?
Where Will You Fly?
In the Four Quartets, T.S. Eliot draws attention to the importance of explorative inquiry. He writes:
We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all of our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
In the spirit of exploration, the Wattle Room children’s emerging inquiries have begun to centre around global diversity, culture and languages.
To reflect this line of questioning and curiosity, the Wattle Room children were recently invited to reflect upon their experiences within their self-devised play corner.
The children began ‘dreaming’ of new ideas that they may like to see realised for this area within their indoor learning environment. They decided on a Wattle Room ‘Airport Lounge’. This airport setting, supporting an emerging interest in travel and global diversity (particularly in terms of world languages), will facilitate meaningful socio-dramatic play, which is connected to the children’s shared learning about flight and ‘our place in space’.
The children are now discussing their personal travel experiences with one another, co-constructing knowledge, while articulating dream destinations that they may wish to explore, both within their play and in their lives. In doing so, the children are exploring the diversity of culture, heritage, background and tradition and, fundamentally, are thoughtfully respecting different ways of being and doing.