St Catherine’s Students Volunteer for Red Shield Doorknock Appeal
On Friday 24 May, 45 girls from Years 7 to 12 volunteered their time after school to raise money for The Salvation Army Red Shield Doorknock Appeal. In preparation for the event, Captain Kate Baudinette from The Salvation Army presented at Assembly to raise awareness for the important initiative. In addition to this, a short video was shown to highlight the importance of hope and emphasise the many ways in which The Salvation Army can assist those who are less fortunate.
When school finished on 24 May, the girls were organised into groups led by Years 11 and 12 students and worked together to represent St Catherine’s in an admirable and respectful manner. We raised $577.95 in only one afternoon.
I would like to thank all the students who participated and gave up their Friday afternoon to help raise funds where needed most. The girls’ attitude and approach towards the afternoon is to be commended and I would strongly encourage all girls to continue to participate in the years to come.