Year 6 Graduation, Announcing the 2020 Captains, A Visit from Murrundindi

Year 6 Graduation
The Year 6 students celebrated the completion of their primary school years at their Graduation on Wednesday evening of this week. While the night celebrated the Year 6 girls in their last few days of primary school, the girls worked to organise the room, setting the tables and decorating them to show their appreciation to their parents and to add to the festivities of the evening. The room looked beautiful and was admired by all.

The Year 6 Barbreck students celebrated the end of their primary school years with their parents at their Graduation this week.
Each class performed their own rendition of a song or poem, or wrote their own, in honour of the evening, and each girl spoke of their favourite times in Barbreck. Our special guest, Chrissy Ryan (Graham ’79), President of SCOGA (St Catherine’s Old Girls’ Association), presented each girl with a Red Step pin.
The Year 6 girls raised funds to purchase a gift to the school – a beautiful brass bell to introduce a new tradition to Barbreck. The evening culminated with each girl being called forward to ring the bell once for every year that they have been in Barbreck. While some girls rang it nine times (including their time at the Early Learning Centre), others rang it just once; however, they will forever associate this tradition with Barbreck. We know that girls, for many years to come, will ring the bell just as the Year 6 girls of 2019 have done. It is envisaged that this will become one of the highly honoured traditions associated with Barbreck and the Year 6 girls. The bell is located in the Barbreck Forecourt.
2020 Junior School Captains
It is with great pleasure that we announce the Junior School Captains for 2020, Giselle Upton and Elodie Scott-Elliott. Congratulations go to all nominees, as they were all worthy girls and the fact that voting was close is a testament to this.
Congratulations also go to the 2019 Captains who have served their School well and set a wonderful example for all to follow. Your efforts, time and work undertaken are greatly appreciated.
Barbreck Leaders 2020
Junior School Captains | Giselle Upton | Elodie Scott-Elliott |
House Captains | ||
Beaulieu Blair | Lulu Kyriakou | Diya Asthana |
Davis | May Sutton | Amity Morris |
Holmes Kilbride | Emma Peele | Lexie Hill |
Langley Templeton | Isabelle Peter | Mia Upton |
Music | Kaixuan (Isabelle) Cao | Minnie Chen |
Christmas Fair
The St Catherine’s community came together last Friday to share the Christmas spirit at our annual Christmas Fair. There was much to eat, drink and purchase as families enjoyed the opportunity to reconnect, catch up and have fun. There was something for everyone. Even the rain towards the end of the event could not spoil the night.
Thanks go to the Parents’ and Friends’ Association for hosting the event and all of the St Catherine’s helpers who contributed to make the event such a success.
Merry Christmas and the Very Best For The Holiday Season
On behalf of the Junior School staff, I wish the Barbreck community the very best of the season with their family and friends. It has been a very fulfilling year at Barbreck, with much learning taking place, wonderful friendships forged, great experiences had that enriched the girls’ understanding and performance know-how, successes and progress made. We thank the girls for their hard efforts throughout the year and parents for their continued support.
While there might have been some small hiccups in the year, learning to deal well with disappointments and how to overcome obstacles with poise is all part of the learning experience.
To our Year 6 girls who are moving to Year 7, we wish you every success in life. We love that you have been a part of our School and hope that when you think of Barbreck, you do so with very fond memories.
On a personal note, I have had a wonderful year at Barbreck. I thank the fabulous staff, girls and parents for welcoming me to the St Catherine’s Barbreck community. I was told much about this community when I started at the School, in particular, how supportive and caring it is. What I heard at the start of the year is now very much a reality for me – and I feel honoured to be a part of it.
I wish all of our families a safe and festive season and the very best for 2020.
Ms Karen McArdle, Head of Junior School
A Visit from Murrundindi
On Friday 22 November, the Years Prep to 4 classes in the Junior School were lucky enough to have a visit from Murrundindi. Murrundindi is an elder of the Wurundjeri people. He is passionate about passing on traditions and sharing different cultural ways.
The girls learnt about didgeridoo playing, how the Aboriginals interact with the land, first encounters, and how to throw a boomerang and make it return, as well as taking part in a smoking ceremony.
The girls were engaged the entire time and enjoyed being able to ask questions and learn about different ways of life.
“He also showed us how to throw a boomerang and did it very well.” – Grace Chatfield (Prep).
“When Murrundindi came, he played his didgeridoo. He was very good. After, he told us two stories.” – Alice Mackenzie (Prep).
“He is the leader of a tribe and is going to pass the job down to his niece who is a girl. The first girl to lead a tribe.” – Anna Shears (Year 4).
“Murrundindi said something about how his Great-Great-Grandpa signed the Treaty with John Batman.” – Fleur Angenent (Year 4).
“He told us his name Murrundindi means home up in the mountains.” – Sienna Conway (Year 4).