ELC – Developing a Sense of Identity

One of the learning outcomes that educators work towards with children throughout their time in the Early Learning Centre is in relation to the children developing a sense of identity.
“When children feel safe, secure and supported they grow in confidence to explore and learn.” Early Years Learning Framework for Australia
Outcome 1: Children have a strong sense of identity
- Feel safe, secure and supported
- Develop their emerging autonomy, inter-dependence, resilience and sense of agency
- Develop knowledgeable and confident self-identities
- Learn to interact in relation to others with care, empathy and respect
When children engage in positive experiences in the early learning context they develop an understanding of themselves as significant and respected. These experiences also assist to shape their identity and support them to feel a sense of belonging to the community.
Secure relationships with educators and peers are important to developing a sense of belonging. This is something that we actively foster within our programs in Campbell House. Children explore aspects of their identity through their play and relationships with others.
Learning opportunities are also provided for children to develop an awareness of their social and cultural heritage, and their significance in the world. The children are invited to share about their individual identity and culture, and also to learn about those of their peers.
It is essential that we support the children to establish a strong sense of identity as it is from this secure foundation that children will flourish, grow and learn.
ELC Discovery Morning
An open morning for prospective families will be held in Campbell House on Saturday 14 March at 9am. We look forward to warmly welcoming members of the broader community to the ELC for this event.
Visitors will have the opportunity to have a tour of the ELC and speak with our Educators and Registrar about the early learning program. The Discovery Morning is designed to be an immersive experience where children can participate in some of the educational experiences that are offered through our early learning program. We encourage you to pass on information about this event to family and friends who may be interested in finding out more about the ELC.
Bookings can be made online or via our Registrar, Mrs Jeanette Boehm. Please phone 9828 3071.