International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day on Sunday March 8, is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. It is about unity, celebration, reflection, advocacy and action and collectively, each one of us can help create a gender equal world.
We asked our students ‘What does an equal world look like to you?’
Andrea Ting (Year 9)
To me, equality is a world where everybody’s thoughts, opinions and values are equal, where every single viewpoint is considered valid and where every single person is accepted and treated just as fairly as the person next to them. Equality in a world would mean peace and respect, where no matter what gender you identify as, no matter what background you are from (racial or otherwise), your thoughts are heard. All problems, no matter who from and big or small would be taken into consideration and all in need would be aided. It would make for an almost utopian world, a world where all are treated justly and with respect.
Valerie Plastow (Year 10)
In order for our patriarchal society to become a more inclusive place for everyone, stereotypes and prejudice would need to be eradicated. An equal world should not just be one where women have the same amount of authority as men, but where marginalised people are given a voice. An egalitarian society would be devoid of any bias based on people’s religion, race, gender identity, sexuality, class or ability. If everyone is given the same opportunities, people around the planet would finally work together to resolve issues such as poverty and the climate crisis, so that, regardless of gender, everyone could have a better future.
Lucia Tabbagh (Year 9)
I believe ‘An Equal world is an Enabled world’ means once we come together and are in unity, our world will be harmonious and ultimately become stronger. At the moment, in various circumstances, men are regarded as the ‘superior gender’. This then places a burden on women that they will never be ‘good enough’ for society. Girls should not have this mindset driven into them. The way in which humanity should work is that performance should be judged by strengths and talents not gender. We need to change our perceptions and our pre-conceived beliefs on past events, and look into the real world. A place where you are treated with the same amount of respect as the man gender, a place where doing something males typically do is not seen as unusual. There needs to be change. In the future, it will then become natural and never a consideration about which gender is the better. An Equal world is an Enabled world.
Margaret Handolias (Year 12)
To me, equality is about ensuring that everybody has an equal opportunity to make the most of their lives and talents, that no one should have less chances because of the way they were born. Equality is not about treating people the same, it is the absence of social privilege and allows opportunities to be freely open to all. It is foremost about respecting every woman and man and allowing every girl and boy the prospect to realise their dream.
Sophie Hogan (Year 12)
When it comes to equality, I truly believe the best way to achieve this seemingly impossible concept is through education. The education of women and girls all over the world is the key to unlocking the potential of our society. At times, in the microcosm of St Catherine’s, we tend to forget the value of our teachers and the school we attend every day. But we must begin to realise that the education we are fortunate enough to receive gives us the power and agency we require to strive towards the achievement of equality in a world that is tragically influenced by patriarchy and the subordinance of women.