ELC Update – Inquisitiveness Sparking Collaborative Learning

It is wonderful to observe the learning taking place in our ELC classrooms and hear the discussions, debates and laughter as you move through Campbell House. The children are provided enriching opportunities each and every day to explore, investigate and inquire and they do so with such enthusiasm and vigour.

Our youngest learners in the Waratah Room have recently engaged in a project in relation to ‘The City’. This interest stemmed from a school holiday project where the children were asked to explore their neighbourhood. Using a map created by Edward as inspiration, the children began discussing what they could see outside their own houses. As the conversation progressed, the children began brainstorming how they would build a city leading to the creation of maps and plans.

Through this project, our young learners are developing their thinking and research skills, mathematical skills and language skills. We are excited to see the children’s learning unfold throughout this project.

The children in our Blue Gum Room have been busily investigating hospitals and the roles of doctors and nurses. They currently have a hospital set up in their classroom and have been engaging in role play, taking turns to be the doctor, nurse or patient. As part of their ongoing learning, the children recently invited our School Nurse, Ms Sally Jack, to speak about her role as a nurse and her experience working in hospitals. In preparation for this visit, the children developed their own research questions. The children had lots of interesting questions in relation to fixing broken bones, taking temperatures and having vaccinations. Nurse Sally used some of the medical equipment she uses in her role including a stethoscope, oximeter, thermometer and otoscope.

Our older learners in the Banksia Room, have been exploring St Catherine’s School values; Curiosity and Empathy. This focus is linked to their ongoing project in relation to St Catherine’s School. During reflection on what curiosity is, Isla shared, “when you want to learn more.” The children then brainstormed what they were curious about and would like to learn more about. The children’s ideas were than added to a mind map. They then explored how they would learn about these things and identified they would use the iPad, books, the library, ask an expert, observation of others, listen to a podcast, or ask their friends in other classrooms. The children have also commenced exploring what empathy means to them. Actions such as being kind, being caring, sharing and helping others have been identified so far.

The children in the Wattle Room have been immersed in an investigation into sea turtles. The children have been researching the life cycles, habitats, food source and possible threats to the sea turtle’s existence. This led to a conversation regarding sustainability as the children shared their concern for the amount of rubbish in the ocean. The children then discussed how the rubbish is getting into the sea and what we can do to prevent it. They brainstormed the idea that they could invent a “giant vacuum cleaner” to suck the rubbish form the ocean. The children have since drawn plans for their invention and will collaborate to devise a master plan. It is wonderful to see the children’s imagination and enthusiasm to help make our world a better place.

It is exciting to witness these inquiries unfolding in the ELC classrooms and to observe the children’s level of engagement and contribution to collaborative learning.

Out of School Hours Care – Week 6 Activities

Upcoming activities for Term 3 Week 6 detailed here.

St Catherine’s School offers an Out of School Hours Care program to all ELC and Junior School families. The program is implemented by our provider ‘After the Bell’, and operates within the ELC building. Parents are reminded that if you need to use the Before School Care or After School Care service, registrations need to be made in advance with ‘After the Bell’. Please allow up to five business days for your registration to be processed before your child can begin attending the program. Registration is free. All families are encouraged to register so that you can use this service in the event that you are unable to pick up your child.

Before School Care – 7.00am to 8.45am

After School Care – 3.00pm to 6.00pm

Registrations can be completed via the ‘After the Bell’ website.

Please phone 9758 6744 for all enquiries.

Ms Sarah Bethune, Head of ELC