ELC Update – Continuity of Learning in the Home Environment
Our youngest learners in the Early Learning Centre are currently engaged in the Learn@Home program. This program is designed to provide the children with a range of learning offerings in the home environment.
When planning and designing the Learn@Home program we have taken a holistic approach to the program offerings. We are providing in-home experiences that support the children’s learning and development in the areas of the Arts, Language, STEM, nature, Mathematics, wellbeing and the physical/outdoor areas.
In keeping with our philosophy, some experiences will be inquiry or research based where the children will be asked to work on a project over several days or a week. Others are designed to be more experiential in order to develop a range of learning and skills.
The Learn@Home program can be accessed daily through the child’s classroom portal page. Each day the classroom teachers are posting learning tasks for the children to complete at home. These learning experiences will be connected to the current classroom projects and interests.
Parents and children are encouraged to access the Learn@Home program and work through it at the child’s own pace. When the children have completed particular tasks, they are encouraged to interact with their class teacher by emailing a photo or copy of their work so that this becomes a shared or collaborative process.
The children are also invited to join their educators and peers for several Microsoft Teams learning meetings per week. This experience is designed to ensure the ELC children remain connected with their educators and peers. The children will share their in-home learning with one another and their teacher will present new opportunities for learning to the children.
Physical Education (PE) sessions are presented live on Microsoft Teams on Monday mornings with Mrs Jenny De Nardis, our Junior School Physical Education teacher.
Library sessions are presented live on Microsoft Teams on Tuesday mornings by me.
Music and Movement sessions are offered on Thursday mornings by our Music Teacher, Ms Kate Phillips on Microsoft Teams.
French lessons (4yo classes only) are presented by Monsieur Gold on Friday mornings.
We encourage your child to access these learning offerings to ensure continuity of learning and connection to the program and their peers. We understand many families will be juggling a range of demands in the home environment at the moment and appreciate this will not always be possible to facilitate. Please do what you can, at times when you can.
Father’s Day
We would like to extend our warm wishes to all of the ELC dads and important males in our young leaners’ lives for a happy Father’s Day this Sunday. We hope you enjoy sharing this special day as a family.
Out of School Hours Care – Week 9 Activities
Upcoming activities for Term 3 Week 9 detailed here.
St Catherine’s School offers an Out of School Hours Care program to all ELC and Junior School families. The program is implemented by our provider ‘After the Bell’, and operates within the ELC building. Parents are reminded that if you need to use the Before School Care or After School Care service, registrations need to be made in advance with ‘After the Bell’. Please allow up to five business days for your registration to be processed before your child can begin attending the program. Registration is free. All families are encouraged to register so that you can use this service in the event that you are unable to pick up your child.
Before School Care – 7.00am to 8.45am
After School Care – 3.00pm to 6.00pm
Registrations can be completed via the ‘After the Bell’ website.
Please phone 9758 6744 for all enquiries.