2021 Senior Art Show
Towards the end of 2020, I reflected on the student work re-entering Wiltondale, following on from the upheaval created by the COVID pandemic. What I noticed was that the quality of VCE work had not changed compared to other years. This was an amazing accomplishment by our VCE students, considering the uncertainty of 2020.
This year, our Visual Arts students again faced remote learning, and my reflections remain the same, except to add that this amazing Cohort have now had two years of disrupted Visual Arts education.
I want to acknowledge the quality of the work across all three study designs and thank the VCE cohort for their trust, focus and efforts this year.
I am so thrilled to invite St Catherine’s families and the School community to our 2021 VCE Art Show, onsite and in person this term. The Art Show acknowledges the accomplishments, engagement and strong work ethic of our Unit 3&4 students, as well as their supportive families, and our incredible teachers.
The Art Show will showcase the tremendous work of our students and provide them with the recognition they so richly deserve for their individual, skillful and rich work, on display in the unique environment of 15A. For those members of our School community unable to attend onsite, artwork can be viewed online here.
I would like to thank Art and Design Captain Emily Maren for her dedication to her captaincy role, and her calmness in the face of very large numbers joining Art and Design Club, and the constant changes throughout the year. The 2022 captains have large shoes to step into.
Importantly, I thank all the Visual Arts teachers for supporting our students and each other through two challenging years, and parents and families for becoming the support crew, art technicians, models, actors, advisor, motivators and carers.
Lastly, thank you to our students, you are simply the best.
Further details regarding the 2021 VCE Art Show are available below.
2021 VCE Art Show
15A (‘house’ by the old tennis courts near the Science block.)
9-12 November and 16-19 November
Between 2.50 and 4.50pm. 15A
We are able to welcome 20 people per 40 minute ‘ticketed’ slot. Please book a free ticket for each family member HERE.
Upon entry to 15A you will be asked to comply with the St Catherine’s School COVID Safe Policy and these are detailed in the embedded link above.