From the Head of Year 11
The Year 11s have spent time in Level sessions this month focusing on where they are situated on their personal learning journey. Having been introduced to the new Learning Behaviour Rubric which will form part of their Semester 1 Report, the students were encouraged to self-evaluate and reflect on their learning competencies to date. As they are now well versed in the attributes of an independent learner, having been managing and prioritising their Masterclasses and Flexi-Tutes, the Year 11s have a strong understanding of their growing personal and academic maturity.
The students were asked to contemplate what attributes would signify proficiency in Learning Competencies such as Self- Efficacy, Inquiry, and Collaboration and to consider practical ways they could demonstrate these behaviours in classes. They also discussed the character competencies of the St Catherine’s Learning Framework and what it means to be Bold, Resilient, Independent and Creative, offering insightful observations and personal examples. Parents will have the opportunity to read their daughter’s self-reflections on her learning behaviours in the Semester Report, in addition to the teachers providing their assessment of her progress.
The learning competencies will remain an important focus as the students enter the upcoming examination period, commencing on Tuesday 14 June. I have been pleased with the manner in which the students are already creating study planners and schedules to organise and prioritise their revision, both prior to and during the examination period.
Another important upcoming date is the Trial GAT (General Achievement Test) which will take place on Wednesday 8 June from 8.30am. Only Year 11 students who are enrolled in one or more VCE Unit 3&4 sequence will be completing the GAT, however the Term 2 information session will be relevant to Year 11 VCE students as part of their two-year journey. Importantly, there are some significant changes in the GAT format compared to past years and the Year 11s will be told what to expect when they attend a presentation with the Dean of Academics, Mrs Alison Cassidy on 30 May. The GAT will include assessment of literacy and numeracy skills, as well as Mathematics, Science, Technology, the Arts, and Humanities, with an increased focus on creative and critical thinking skills. The 2022 GAT will be held on Wednesday 7 September.
These steps on the Year 11 students’ journey will be important, not only for this year, but will establish them as life-long learners.