From the Classroom: Year 3

In Year 3 we have been learning about The Resilience Project. Our initial sessions have been focusing on gratitude.  

During our Special Visitor’s Day, the Year 3s presented information about gratitude and highlighted things they are grateful for. The Special Visitors’ Day provided the perfect opportunity for students to share the morning with loved ones. 

After the event, the class wrote reflections in their gratitude journals which they share below: 

“Last Friday, I had Special Visitors’ Day. I was grateful for my visitors coming and listening to me. Firstly, in the morning we walked up to the auditorium and sat down, all in a class, in a line next to Year 2, Year 1 and Prep. I felt all the joy immediately! After a while it was our turn. I stood up and spoke proudly!”
Francesca Zappone

“I am grateful that I had my Dad come to Special Visitors’ Day. Special Visitors’ Day happened on Friday 20 May. On that day I showed parents around the classroom, they watched our gratitude speech and the Petite Strings group perform. We sang Welcome the Day, and Rosie played the viola, which was amazing. I loved the day so much! It was brilliant, awesome, exciting, and super doper fun!”
Ashley Siswanto 

“Gratitude means to me that you are grateful for little or big things. For example, a house, food, pets, and fresh water. Last week I was grateful for the Carnival of the Animals excursion and Special Visitors’ Day because my grandma from Dad’s side and my grandma from my Mum’s side came.”
Sophia Hindhaugh

“Gratitude is when you do not care about what you do not have, and you focus on what you already have. I am grateful for my Dad’s car because I do not have to tire my legs. I am grateful for my friends because they are kind, and they keep me from being bored. I am grateful to my Mum for the food and my Dad for looking after me.”
Sienna Xu 

Year 3 Gratitude Posters

Year 3 Gratitude Posters

Mr Luke Russell and Ms Georgina Stride, Year 3 Teachers