Welcome to Term 3! 

Our first day back was filled with so many smiles from students and teachers alike. It was wonderful to see the genuine joy the girls displayed seeing each other again after their holiday break and hear the excited chatter of a great catch up on each other’s news! 

Congratulations First VII Rowers 

As many of you are aware, the St Catherine’s First VIII Rowing Crew won the Prince Philip Challenge Trophy at the Henley Royal Regatta in the UK in July this year. This was a remarkable achievement by our St Catherine’s girls. The Barbreck girls were so excited to follow the Crew’s races overseas and created posters of encouragement for the Crew to take with them to the UK. Over 90 posters were created with wonderful words of encouragement written on them. 

Barbreck Visits Senior School Assembly 

Our Barbreck girls from Prep to Year 6 joined the Senior School Assembly on Monday. It was wonderful to be invited to the Assembly and the Barbreck girls were given pride of place, seated at the front of the Assembly.  

It was wonderful to join with the Senior girls in celebrating the rowers for their amazing victory at the Royal Henley Regatta during the Assembly. The rowers were interviewed by the Head Girls, and it was wonderful for our Barbreck girls to hear that the posters they made were displayed around the rowers’ living quarters. They told us the messages meant so much to them and were inspirational to the team – reading their messages each day! These messages were kindly compiled into a folder which is now on display for those interested at the Junior School Reception. 

The nine rowers chose nine posters that really resonated with them and each of the girls who created the posters was awarded a special pin from the Regatta. They were so excited to receive these on the stage in front of the whole School Assembly – a wonderful start to their third term!  

It was also wonderful for our Barbreck girls to hear about how much effort, grit and determination was shown by the rowers who began their training last year in their homes on ergo rowing machines during Melbourne’s lockdowns. I am sure many of our Barbreck girls were also inspired by the rowers to commit more effort to their goals! 

COVID 19 Protocols

Term 3 is an exciting term with many exciting events and activities taking place (please see Important Dates at the end of this article.) I ask parents to continue to administer RAT tests to ensure we keep everyone as safe as possible in our Barbreck environment.

Provided below is important information about the COVID-19 protocols expected in schools this term.

  1. Mask wearing in schools

Current health advice states that though not mandated ,masks should be worn indoors in schools by staff and students from Years 4 and above. It is understood though, that removing a mask may be necessary for clear communication or when a particular activity requires the removal of a mask.

Masks are not required to be worn outdoors but can be worn when physical distancing is not possible. This expectation should not constrain student participation in the full range of School activities, including Music, Sport and performances.

Wearing masks is a simple step we can all take this winter to reduce the number of COVID cases and ensure our School is as safe as possible. Should you require masks, please see the School Nurses.

  1. Exemptions for testing and isolation

The period of time when someone is considered a recently confirmed case and therefore exempt from testing and isolation requirements has been reduced from the previous 12 weeks to four weeks.

After the four week exemption period, students and staff members who are a household contact of a new COVID case, must follow the rules for household contacts, including reporting this to the School. As part of this process they must administer five rapid antigen tests (RATs) over seven days, receive negative test results and wear a face mask (if over eight years old) in indoor spaces.

Should you require further RATs, please see the School Nurses.

Please speak to myself or the School Nurses should you have any further queries.

19 July Term 3 commences (all co-curricular activities begin)
23 July House Snowsports Weekend
26 July  Year 6 – Canberra Study Tour Depart
28 July Year 6 – Canberra Study Tour Return
3 August Year 6 – Year 7 Orientation 8.45am to 3.00pm
4 August Parent Teacher Interviews 1.30pm to 7.00pm
6 August Interschools Cross Country Skiing Weekend, Mt Buller
17 August Book Week Performance 2.00pm to 3.20pm
22 August Mid Term Break (Student Free Day)
Week Commencing 22 August Book Week & Interschools Snowsports Begin
25 August Book Week Dress Up Day
31 August Junior School District Basketball
1 September Junior School Music Recital
6 September Australian Interschools Snowsports Begin
7 September District Athletics
16 September End of Term (3.20pm)

*Please note these dates may be subject to change. 


Out of School Hours Care – Term 3 Week 2 Activities and Vacation Care Bookings

Upcoming activities for Term 3 Week 2 are detailed here.

St Catherine’s School offers an Out of School Hours Care program to all ELC and Junior School families. The program is implemented by our provider ‘After the Bell’ and operates within the ELC building. Parents are reminded that if you need to use the Before School Care or After School Care service, registrations need to be made in advance with ‘After the Bell’. Please allow up to five business days for your registration to be processed before your child can begin attending the program. Registration is free. All families are encouraged to register so that they can use this service in the event that you are unable to pick up your child.

Before School Care – 7.00am to 8.45am

After School Care – 3.00pm to 6.00pm

Registrations can be completed via the ‘After the Bell’ website.

Please phone 9758 6744 for all inquiries.

Ms Karen McArdle, Head of Junior School