A Great Start to the School Year
Excitement, fun and making new friends have been the themes of the first two weeks of the 2023 school year.
It has been a highlight to see so many happy smiling faces entering and leaving Barbreck each day.
This week saw the commencement of our co-curricular programs. Participation levels are high, and it is pleasing to see so many students attending our clubs and activities.
There are still places available for Dance, Junior Engineers, Aussie Aths, VTA Tennis lessons and Barbreck Club. For more information on co-curricular activities and for enrolment links please click HERE.
A couple of important reminders are provided below.
Nut Aware
St Catherine’s School is a ‘Nut Aware’ school. We request that parents do not send or bring food or products containing nuts to School. These may include some obvious and some not so obvious ‘nut’ foods such as mixed nuts, peanut butter, Nutella, or cakes/biscuits with nuts, just to name a few.
We thank you for your diligence and assistance in helping us provide the safest possible environment for every girl.
Late Arrivals
Students who arrive at 8.30am or later must sign in at the office, collect a late pass, and present it to their classroom teacher.
Early Leavers
If students are to be collected early, please inform Junior School Reception on juniorschool@stcatherines.net.au and your daughter’s classroom teacher via email prior to the collection time. Students must also be signed out at Junior School Reception before leaving our Campus.
PE Uniform
Prep to Year 3
On days that our Prep to Year 3 students have PE lessons, they are to wear their Sports Uniforms to and from School.
If students participate in before-school activities such as Netball and do not have PE on that day they must change into their School Uniform before 8.20 am.
Years 4 to 6
Students in Years 4 to 6 are required to wear full School Uniform (including blazer) to school each day and change into Sports Uniform before Sport and PE lessons.
If students participate in before-school activities such as Netball they must change into their School Uniform before 8.20 am.
Dropping off and collecting students from school
To ensure the safe and efficient arrival and departure from Barbreck for our girls I ask parents to adhere to the following guidelines:
- Use Kiss and Drop area in front of Barbreck only for quick one minute drop offs.
- If you want to take your daughter to class, please park in the surrounding nearby streets. This ensures the drop-off area is always clearing quickly and provides ample parking spaces. This also stops the queuing of cars back over the pedestrian crossing area.
- Model correct crossing routines by always using the pedestrian crossing. Crossing between cars teaches children dangerous habits.
- Always fully park when dropping off or collecting girls. Stopping in the middle of the road and letting girls out or calling them to the car is not permitted.
- Check for parking restrictions – save yourself from a hefty fine! Stonnington City Council is very vigilant and are often present both before and after school.
- Time your pick-ups well. Many parents are trying to arrive at School at 3.20pm. However, arriving five to 10 minutes later there are many free parks. If you plan to arrive at 3.30pm, please let your daughter know.
- There is a teacher on duty until 3.35pm. Following this time, girls are escorted to Junior School Reception and parents contacted. If you are running late, please let us know so we can pass on the information to your daughter who might be worried. Please contact Junior School Reception on 98283062.
If you need further clarification on any information listed above, please contact Junior School Reception or myself on 98283062.
Junior School Information and Social Evening
Tuesday 21 February 6.00pm
Our Barbreck staff look forward to welcoming our Prep to Year 6 parent community to our upcoming information evening to be held on Tuesday 21 February at 6.00pm in the Selena Yao Auditorium, Barbreck Junior School.
The Parent Information Sessions will be followed by a social evening on the Village Green in the Junior School.
We warmly encourage you to attend this important event as it is a great opportunity to connect with other parents and educators. It also provides valuable information about the programs your child will be engaged in this year.
Bookings for the Information Session and Social Evening can be made via this link.