Connecting with our First Nations Communities
Our Early Learning Programs are supplemented by opportunities for the children to participate in experiences as a way of connecting with community. Throughout the year, a selection of experiences are planned within our ELC and in the wider community.
There are times when we invite an expert to join us in Campbell House to implement a workshop with the children where they share their knowledge and resources. These opportunities are carefully designed to connect with, and support, the children’s current learning and inquiries.
This week we welcomed First Nations Educator, Emmy Webbers, from Wurruck Yambo to our Early Learning Centre to share her First Nations language, culture, and history with our children. Emmy introduced the children to the culture and history of the Wurundjeri people by sharing the stories Bunjil and Wilam. Props were used to accompany the stories so the children could engage in interactive storytelling and learn some of the Woi Wurrung language used in the stories.
Following these stories, the children engaged in a session exploring the movements of the animals in the stories. To conclude, the children created clay models of Bunjil and drew First Nations symbols. Learning about First Nations culture and history will continue in the children’s classrooms as they re-visit and extend upon the conversations and experiences from their workshops with Emmy.
As part of the children’s learning through Reconciliation Week, we recently connected with the organisation, Children’s Ground to celebrate Wear it Yellow Day. The children wore casual clothes with a touch of yellow and donated money to Children’s Ground to help provide First Nations children with educational and wellbeing opportunities. This was another wonderful opportunity for our children to further extend their learning about First Nations culture and their awareness of community.
Experiences such as these provide incredibly enriched opportunities to extend our children’s learning, connect with experts and engage with the community. They expose the children to a range of new and different experiences and help them to make sense of the world in which they live.
Bunjil Clay Experience
Bunjil Dance
Bunjil Feathers
Bunjil Clay Experience
Learning about First Nations culture
Learning about First Nations culture
Learning about First Nations culture
Learning about First Nations culture
Bunjil Feathers
Bunjil Feathers