1960 – St Catherine’s News Boarding Notes

Jayne Stuart
1960 Captain of the Boarding House
This year has been one of adjustment. It is amazing that a school with such a short history should have founded so many worthwhile traditions. This is particularly so in the Boarding House. Prayers are such a tradition, and the daily hymn and collect continue to be a satisfaction to all girls.
“This year has been an eventful one. We welcomed many new girls, and Miss Bromley, Miss Jeffes and Miss Wildenberg joined the Junior Boarding House staff. Some new systems have been introduced and adjustments have had to be made.
The new luncheon arrangements have proved most satisfactory. It was felt in the past that boarders had little time to be with their day girlfriends, and to remedy this a lunch is given to the girls similar to that served in the Tuckshop. Thus boarders may spend their lunch hours participating in activities with the day girls.
Another innovation was the formation of a Boarding House Advisory Council, with a constitution similar to that of the General Committee. In forming this, it was hoped that younger girls could take a more active part in House affairs, and also that rules and regulations could be standardised in the two Houses.
Uniform inspection, too, has been altered, and a system adopted whereby the House Seniors are responsible for the tidiness of the girls’ appearance. The result has been that the boarders’ appearance was particularly neat this term, and it is our aim that they should be among the best dressed girls in the school.
Two seniors now live for a month at a time at “Number 27,” but as the practice was not introduced until third term, it is difficult to estimate the value of this yet.
Hockey and Basketball matches were played here, with teams from the PLC Boarding House. These Baseball and Tennis matches with PLC at PLC were thoroughly enjoyed by participants and spectators alike. It is hoped that similar matches will be arranged next year.
The Boarders’ Picnic was held at Canadian Bay, and we also picnicked at Sherbrook Forest and Black Rock. Several films were seen throughout the year. The Boarders’ Dance was held in the gym. and was a tremendous success.
I should like to take this opportunity to thank all Seniors in the House for their continued support. Girls must now submit to two elections before they can be considered permanent seniors. This system was later adopted in the school. Those elected were Anita Davies, Sandra Twite. Jill Bryant, Wendy Stamp, Frances Gibson, Catherine Ross, Claire Tassicker, Anne Dobson and Margaret Vary. Congratulations must go to Jill Bryant on her election as Vice-Captain of the Boarding House.
We would all like to thank Helen Holmes very much for her gift of two unusual and attractive Thai paintings which now hang in the Boarders’ sitting-room.
This year has been one of adjustment. It is amazing that a school with such a short history should have founded so many worthwhile traditions. This is particularly so in the Boarding House. Prayers are such a tradition, and the daily hymn and collect continue to be a satisfaction to all girls. Several services are held throughout the term in the drawing-room, and the boarders traditionally attend either St. John’s or the Toorak Presbyterian Church during the weekend. But we must remember that all tradition is not necessarily constructive and be ready to see this and discard worthless tradition without misgiving. I think this has had to be faced in the last year and the result has been a happier boarding house.
I would also like to thank the staff of the two Boarding Houses, in particular Miss Madder, Mrs. Hawthorn, Sister Fraser and Mrs. Hooper. We will be sorry to see Miss Madder leave, for she has done invaluable work in the two years since the establishment of the Junior Boarding House.”
Boarders & Staff 1961
Scotch Boarders Dance 1960
Boarding House Prefects 1962
1967 Boarders
1968 Boarding House Prefects
Boarders Dressed Up for Dance 1960s
Boarders Feast 1960s