1987 – Barbreck Extensions Opened

St Catherine's News
Summer 1987
The new Barbreck extensions were officially opened on December 1. The Principal, Miss Dorothy Pizzey, Junior Headmistress, Miss Anne Smith, and members of the School Council welcomed parents and friends to a cocktail party under the new awning, otherwise known as “The Tent”.
The new Barbreck extensions were officially opened on December 1. The Principal, Miss Dorothy Pizzey, Junior Headmistress, Miss Anne Smith, and members of the School Council welcomed parents and friends to a cocktail party under the new awning, otherwise known as “The Tent”.
Visitors were invited to inspect the new classrooms and library, which ensure that Barbreck now has first class facilities in all areas. The Chairman of the School Council, Mr. Frank Osborn, together with Miss Pizzey, Miss Smith and Appeal Chairman, Dr. John Middleton, thanked everyone who had helped make this possible.
Here is Mr. Osborn’s address:
“It is my honour and pleasure to thank all those who have given to make the Barbreck facility what it is; given money, given of their time, both very generously.
My personal association with Barbreck extends over a long time now. It is more than 20 years since my eldest daughter started at Barbreck. The physical change is total, but not all has changed. A spirit
of loving care for the individual was a special quality of Barbreck then, as it is now. I well remember the special affection in which Mrs. Mayberry was held during the early years of my older daughter’s time at St. Catherine’s.
But . . . were those buildings awful! And then there was the agony and patience of all as buildings were demolished, replaced and renovated. Returning to the present and these magnificent new facilities, may I thank all donors who have contributed to this project. The target was $300,000 and $421,000 was pledged over five years. The cost of the building was more than $500,000, so we are delighted with the result.
All this could not have been achieved without the tireless efforts of Appeal Chairman, Dr. John Middleton, General Gifts Chairman, Robert McKay, and their team of helpers.
I would like to draw your attention to the commemorative plaques and to thank those people involved: the Nanut Family for the Year Three classrooms, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Wood for the awning, Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson for the library, and Mr. and Mrs. David Showers for the playground.
The Honour Board erected at the foot of the stairs leading to the Grade Three classrooms lists the names of all donors in alphabetical order, except for two who asked to have their names withheld.
From an outside perspective we know that Barbreck is held in high regard. We certainly can be proud of it. It is one of seven schools taking part in the B.L.I.P.S. (Basic Learning in Primary Schools) program as exemplary schools.
From the inside perspective I think we place a value on very special qualities and in particular, something which is the hallmark of St. Catherine’s.
The children are treated as individuals, and in many cases individual programmes are developed, whether to help children who have weaknesses or those who can be extended. The school caters for both ends of the spectrum of natural ability.
I know that parents value the security and happiness of the environment and the positive approach of the school towards consistent discipline and the development of self-discipline.
Where discipline and standards are to be established and maintained one looks for leadership.
At Barbreck we have a magnificent leader in Anne Smith. Although we are loath to admit it, independent schools must be regarded as businesses like any other if they are to survive. This is the reality of life in our times. I believe it is understood by all those who would send their children to St. Catherine’s.
Government subsidies cannot be relied upon to continue. We need to be in a position where independence does not have to be traded for a government handout.
As a business we must be competitive, not only in terms of fees and the results achieved, but also in the facilities offered.
In many areas of the school we do not yet have facilities comparable with those schools which are our closest competitors.
The Music School extension, the new Nicholas Library, starting later this month, and the Multi-purpose Centre planned to start late next year, will remedy this.
Because of the contributions of Barbreck parents and friends, we can be justifiably proud of our facilities in the Junior School. Thank you all.”