Year 10 Curriculum
At Year 10, all students complete a course of study involving both core and elective study options with the increasing complexity of content and the growing maturity of students reflected across the curricula.
At this important stage in their education the curriculum provides an expert framework of learning which acts as a launch-pad into each girl’s Senior years of learning. The framework has been created to comply with the Australian Curriculum and is designed to take into account the impact and needs of both the VCE and VET programs; students are able to undertake, from a select group, Year 11 VCE offerings.
The Year 10 program is driven by two main goals. Firstly, to create an educational framework that offers the very best preparation for every student and, secondly, to provide multiple flexible and individualised study options which enable each individual student to find challenge, success and fulfilment, in preparation for their post-compulsory studies.
Independent Learning Tutorial (ILT)
Increasing independence of thought, scholastic self-assuredness, vocational awareness and planning are the hallmarks of learning at this level. Our innovative hybrid learning model for Years 10 and 11 that embraces both face-to-face teaching and online delivery. Our senior students are embracing a new way of learning with more independence to control the pace of their learning as well as the flexibility to access Masterclass and Online Tutorials in an asynchronous mode.
Throughout the year our Head of Year 10 provides ongoing guidance, pastoral care and coordination of the Year 10 cohort, as well as ongoing communication with parents.
Learning programs are delivered through the following core learning areas:
Core subjects
- English
- Humanities
- Mathematics
- Physical Education/Health & Personal Development
- Science
Electives offerings are found in the following learning areas:
- The Arts (Art and Design, Drama, Music and Media)
- English (Literature)
- Digital Learning (Digital World)
- Health & PE (Sport Leadership and Sport Psychology)
- Humanities (Accounting, Commerce, Geography, History, Philosophy, Politics)
- Languages other than English (French, Japanese, Mandarin)
- Science (Psychology)
- Please note: Electives change each year and are dependent upon student choices
Pastoral Care
- Sexuality
- Mental Health (understanding social and emotional health, how to provide or seek help, stress)
- Road Safety (statistics and trends, the Learner’s Permit, driver and passenger responsibilities)
- Risk-Taking Behaviour
- Women’s Health around the World (health checks, women’s rights)
- Healthy Life! (health statistics, helpful organisations, health and the law)
Year 10 students may elect to study one Units 1&2 VCE subject. Acceleration into a VCE study allows for additional intellectual challenge, exposure to VCE assessment and may enable students to complete a Units 3&4 study in Year 11.