Class of 2022: Ciara Jenkins

Ciara Jenkins
Student Executive 2022
Holmes Kilbride Captain 2022
What have been the highlights of your time at St Catherine’s?
Every single one of my highlights involves the amazing people I’ve had the privilege of being surrounded with these past six years.
I have loved participating in a broad range of co-curricular activities which have helped me learn so much about myself that I never would have considered otherwise, such as Debating and Public Speaking, Water Polo, and the Senior School production.
In particular though, I am very proud of the part I played as a co-founder (along with Angela Yu and Lara Thorn) and co-editor of Stentorian, the first student-led newspaper.
All of these opportunities have allowed me to meet so many people I wouldn’t have otherwise.
In general, from Year 7 to Year 12 the lunchtimes spent with friends will always be something, though casual and mundane, that I will cherish from my time spent here and will miss the most when leaving.
Was there something that held great significance to you?
Probably my most significant moment at St Catherine’s was the time spent in the Fijian Highlands in Nasivikoso Village when I was in Year 9. Words can’t even encapsulate what a pivotal experience that was, something that continues to shape my interactions with the world to this day.
What co-curricular activities were you involved in?
In 2022, I participated in the Senior School production, DAV Debating, the Public Speaking Program, Water Polo, founded Stentorian (student-led newspaper), was a member of Coffee and Culture Club, and sung in Viva Voci.
What were your favourite subjects?
Literature, Philosophy, Art, and Science.
What do you plan to study post School?
I plan to study something broad, like an Arts or Science degree, as I am not currently sure of the pathway I want to take.
What led you to selecting this career pathway?
I thought about what I loved and what I would be happy doing for the rest of my life. I spent many, many hours in the Careers Office with Ms Poulson, who opened up my peripheral to consider a lot of options I hadn’t earlier.
How has St Catherine’s assisted you in making your study and career choices?
St Catherine’s has aided me in its flexibility and ongoing guidance, where I have had the opportunity to participate in a broad range of subjects and co-curricular activities.
I have found that I enjoy far too much to narrow it down to one area just yet, which is a testament to the School’s inclusive culture that means I can take part in such a broad range of activities.
Where do you hope to study?
I hope to study at The University of Melbourne.
What do you see yourself doing in five years’ time?
I am not sure yet but I’m excited to find out. I would like to have travelled and backpacked (probably after my undergraduate degree at university). I would also like to be doing a postgraduate degree and have entered the workforce.
How do you believe St Catherine’s and your teachers have helped you reach your goals?
I think St Catherine’s, from Year 7, has been instrumental in supporting me and allowing me to get involved in a broad range of activities which have played an integral role in my likes and dislikes, passions, and hobbies.
My teachers were, and continue to be, so integral to who I am. Their knowledge in their fields is so vast and impressive. Their patience, humour and dedication are unlike anything I’ve ever seen.
In 2022, the Year 12 theme was Emerge. What does this mean to you?
Within the post-COVID context from which we came into Year 12, the word Emerge was monumental in our collective movement into our final year of school in a purposeful and determined way.
Not missing any moments or taking anything for granted. We wanted to be active in our progress as a collective School community, emerging into greater goals and higher achievements, emerging with kindness, compassion, force, and perseverance. Our Cohort adopted and fulfilled this with such rigour and intent from everyone.
What advice would you provide to future Year 12 students?
Do not take any moment for granted. Enjoy the company of the beautiful people you’re surrounded by. Spend time with your teachers and grasp their knowledge and expertise in their field. Clean up your dishes in the Common Room.
Can you share your thoughts on holding a student leadership role in Year 12?
I could not recommend holding a student leadership role in Year 12 enough to anyone considering it.
More so than anything else, through my roles as House Captain of Holmes Kilbride and member of the Student Executive, I have gotten to know so many more people who I wouldn’t have otherwise had the privilege of spending time with.
It is so fulfilling and worthwhile to put time and energy into something that could benefit the School as a whole, to have the opportunity to make the change I would’ve appreciated when I was younger.
Student leadership also gave me a voice to contribute meaningfully back to a place that has contributed so much to me, which I found to be really important.